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RJ Lee Group 6 min read

Industrial Hygiene: Ensure compliance, protect worker health, and mitigate risk


RJ Lee Group

RJ Lee Group identifies, evaluates, analyzes, and suggests control measures for environmental elements that originate in the workplace and may be a potential source of risk to workers or the environment. Taking an industrial forensics approach, we offer analytical and consultative services in materials research and selection, environmental health and safety, and quality control throughout the product life cycle.

Particulate Matter (PM)

Identifying the composition of particulate can lead to the source of particulate or contamination. When air quality concerns exist, identifying particulate size will determine if it exceeds the criteria for respirable particulate matter (RPM). RJ Lee Group’s team of experts is familiar with industry standards and guidelines that ensure environmental safety and health and we can assess potential negative impacts to determine where controls are necessary.

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Our experts monitor, sample, and analyze particulate matter in the workplace to assess air quality conditions and to determine if any particulate produced during processing and manufacture affects the workers or product. This is especially important in industries that manufacture pharmaceuticals and electronic materials which can generate contaminants of concern down to the nano level. We observe manufacturing processes to uncover any environmental or occupational issues and recommend changes to reduce potential exposure and contamination.

Our expertise ranges from the regulatory demands of hospital pharmacy and clean room environments to the characterization of aggregates and nuisance dust in the construction industry, to the monitoring of air in coal mines and examination of fly ash from coal-burning plants.

Unbound Nanoparticles (UNP)

Unbound Nanoparticles can be man-made or can occur incidentally in ambient air in the form of diesel and welding fumes and coal combustion, or from natural sources such as smog or fire. Materials at the nanoscale level exhibit different properties than they do at the macro level because at the nanoscale their molecules tend to self-assemble and form new structures.


We use electron microscopy, diffraction, and spectroscopy techniques to measure size, determine morphology and agglomeration state, elemental composition, and the structures of new materials at the nanoscale. We work in collaboration with industry, government and academia to characterize nanoparticles and to prepare for their regulation.

RJ Lee Group is a leading-edge contributor to nanoscale particulate studies and has completed several monitoring projects for the federal government and industry clients where the health and safety hazards and environmental impacts related to UNP were evaluated.

Post-Disaster Assessments

RJ Lee Group’s team offers the combined strength of multiple experts and carries out the technical coordination required to provide solutions to disaster assessment and remediation.

  • Site inspection and evaluation
  • Review of current and historic site information
  • Determination of impact
  • Sample testing to validate a methodology
  • Sampling plan to address potential claims and remediation options


To ensure that everyone affected by the circumstances is aware of potential risk, we work with our client and cooperate with local, state, and federal response agencies to provide needed data so that these agencies can advise responders and the public on how best to deal with any potential risk.

Monitoring and Sampling

RJ Lee Group has extensive practical experience in designing and implementing air sampling and monitoring plans to measure particulate matter, asbestos, dust, vapors, metals and crystalline silica, PCBs, PNAs, and dioxins. We also perform environmental site assessments and source apportionment plans to determine the contributions of various pollution sources to a location of interest.

We can help determine the best approach for monitoring particulate matter or vapors and aerosol particles including:

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Workplace Monitoring (IEQ)

  • To meet EPA requirements
  • To assess the personal exposure of workers to volatile compounds
  • To determine process pollutants

Environmental Monitoring

  • Source identification
  • Source apportionment
  • Nuisance dust monitoring
  • Simulation chambers

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Product Labeling Information

We provide a controlled environment to establish product safety information such as generation rate and exposure impact for MSDS and information/warning labeling.


Field Surveys, Evaluations & Sampling

Our field services team is experienced in on-site services and laboratory techniques and methodologies. We provide our clients with thorough field evaluations and uncompromised sample procurement, ensuring we have defined and surveyed the physical parameters our client has designated.

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We are versed in NIOSH, OSHA, EPA, and ASTM methodologies and use the most appropriate sampling techniques the circumstances require along with the best field instrument technologies available.