Columbia Basin Testing Laboratory
Soil is Our Business
Soil is our business at RJ Lee Group’s Columbia Basin Analytical Laboratory (CBAL) Geotechnical department. The CBAL Geotechnical Department started in 2015 to provide quality testing in support of the US Department of Energy’s Hanford Site. We specialize in measuring the physical properties of soil for the geotechnical, environmental, construction and mining industries. We strive to deliver the most accurate testing results to clients in a timely manner. CBAL’s Quality Management System and Soil Testing is accredited by AASHTO (formerly AMRL), A2LA, USACE, and the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense (DOECAP).
CBAL also holds a Radiological Materials License from Washington State, a United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) agreement state. This license allows us to receive, analyze, and dispose of samples containing low-level radiological contamination.
Geotechnical Testing Services and Capabilities
Soil Classification and Index Property Tests
Water Content Determination (D2216)
Density Determination (D2937)
Atterberg Limits (D4318)
Particle Size Distribution (D422)
Specific Gravity of Soil Solids (D854)
Proctor Compaction (D698/D1557
Soil Corrosivity Testing
pH (D4972, G51)
Soil Resistivity (G57, G187)
Soil ORP (G200)
Sulfate-Chloride (EPA 300.0)
Qualitative Sulfide Determination (In-house method)
Soil Strength and Deformation Testing
• California Bearing Ratio (D1883)
• Unconfined (Uniaxial) Compression (D2166)
• Triaxial Compression (UU, CU, CD) (D2850, D4767, D7181)
Permeability Testing
- Constant Head Testing Method (D2434)
- Falling Head Testing Method (D5084)
- Tests can simulate consolidation conditions underground
Quality Control and Quality Assurance Credentials
CBAL and RJ Lee Group are partners for your quality control testing processes. We help to improve product process and QC, help ensure compliance, reduce costs, and reduce non-compliance risk. We provide solutions and corrective action plans and verification based on scientific data. How does this apply to our Geotechnical services we offer?

All testing is conducted in accordance with the latest specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other pertinent entities.

We follow strict training protocols to ensure analysts understand each method prior to independently analyzing samples; Analysts routinely perform proficiency tests to confirm analytical precision.

A2LA Certified to ISO 17025:2017 and US Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program (DOECAP)

Obtaining AASHTO and US Army Corps of Engineers Validation in 2021.
CBAL is currently accredited by A2LA and DOECAP to perform the following tests:
• Soil Gradation (D422)
• Moisture Content (D2216)
•Permeability - Hydraulic Conductivity (D2434, D5084)
•Specific Gravity (D854)
•In Place Density by Drive Cylinder (D2937)
•Carbonate Content (D4373)
•Corrosion Tests: Sulfate-Chloride (EPA 300.0), pH (EPA 9045D)
•CBAL is accredited by AASHTO and USACE - See Certification
CBAL has the capability to perform the following tests.
• Soil Strength – Triaxial, Unconfined Compression (D2166, D2850, D4767, D7181)
• Atterberg Limits (D4318)
• Proctor Testing – Standard (D698), Modified (1557)
• California Bearing Ratio (D1883)
• Corrosion Tests - Resistivity (G57, G187), pH (D4972), Redox Potential/ORP (G200), Sulfide (In-house method)

The Columbia Basin Analytical Laboratory is located at:
2710 N. 20th Street
Pasco, WA 99301